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- The Linux keyboard and console HOWTO
- Andries Brouwer, aeb@cwi.nl
- v2.7, 16 November 1997
- This note contains some information about the Linux keyboard and con¡
- sole, and the use of non-ASCII characters. It describes Linux 2.0.
- 1. Copyright
- Copyright (c) 1993-1997 by Andries Brouwer. This document may be
- distributed under the terms set forth in the LDP license at
- http://sunsite.unc.edu/LDP/COPYRIGHT.html or
- ftp://www.win.tue.nl/pub/linux/LDP/COPYRIGHT.txt.
- 2. Useful programs
- The following packages contain keyboard or console related programs.
- kbd-0.95.tar.gz contains loadkeys, dumpkeys, showkey, setmetamode,
- setleds, setfont, showfont, mapscrn, kbd_mode, loadunimap, chvt,
- resizecons, deallocvt, getkeycodes, setkeycodes.
- util-linux-2.6 contains setterm, kbdrate. (Yes, the more in util-
- linux-2.6 dumps core due to a name conflict. Preserve your old copy,
- or use util-linux-2.5, or change `savetty' to `my_savetty' in more.c.)
- sh-utils-1.12 contains stty.
- open-1.4.tgz contains open (that should be renamed to openvt). (See
- also dynamic-vc-1.1.tar.gz.)
- SVGATextMode-1.6.tar.gz contains SVGATextMode, a program that
- obsoletes resizecons.
- The X distribution contains xmodmap, xset, kbd_mode. (See also
- X386keybd(1) for the situation under XFree86 1.3, and Xserver(1) for
- the XKEYBOARD extension under X11R6.)
- termcap-2.0.8.tar.gz contains termcap, an old terminal capabilities
- data base. ncurses-1.9.9e.tar.gz contains the termlib data base which
- obsoletes termcap. (However, there are still many programs using
- termcap.)
- See loadkeys(1), setleds(1) and setmetamode(1) for the codes generated
- by the various keys and the setting of leds when not under X. Under X,
- see xmodmap(1) and xset(1).
- See setfont(8) for loading console fonts. Many people will want to
- load a font like iso01.f16 because the default font is the hardware
- font of the video card, and often is a `Code Page 437' font missing
- accented characters and other Latin-1 symbols.
- See setterm(1) and kbdrate(8) for properties such as foreground and
- background colors, screen blanking and character repeat rate when not
- under X. Under X, see xset(1), also for key click and bell volume.
- The file /etc/termcap defines the escape sequences used by many
- programs addressing the console (or any other terminal). See
- termcap(5). A more modern version is found in /usr/lib/terminfo. See
- terminfo(5). Terminfo files are compiled by the terminfo compiler
- /usr/lib/terminfo/tic, see tic(1). Their contents can be examined
- using the program infocmp, see infocmp(1). The Linux console
- sequences are documented in console_codes(4).
- 3. Keyboard generalities
- You press a key, and the keyboard controller sends scancodes to the
- kernel keyboard driver. Some keyboards can be programmed, but usually
- the scancodes corresponding to your keys are fixed. The kernel
- keyboard driver just transmits whatever it receives to the application
- program when it is in scancode mode, like when X is running.
- Otherwise, it parses the stream of scancodes into keycodes,
- corresponding to key press or key release events. (A single key press
- can generate up to 6 scancodes.) These keycodes are transmitted to
- the application program when it is in keycode mode (as used, for
- example, by showkey). Otherwise, these keycodes are looked up in the
- keymap, and the character or string found there is transmitted to the
- application, or the action described there is performed. (For
- example, if one presses and releases the a key, then the keyboard
- produces scancodes 0x1e and 0x9e, this is converted to keycodes 30 and
- 158, and then transmitted as 0141, the ASCII or latin-1 code for `a';
- if one presses and releases Delete, then the keyboard produces
- scancodes 0xe0 0x53 0xe0 0xd3, these are converted to keycodes 111 and
- 239, and then transmitted as the 4-symbol sequence ESC [ 3 ~, all
- assuming a US keyboard and a default keymap. An example of a key
- combination to which an action is assigned is Ctrl-Alt-Del.)
- The translation between unusual scancodes and keycodes can be set
- using the utility setkeycodes - only very few people will need it.
- The translation between keycodes and characters or strings or actions,
- that is, the keymap, is set using the utilities loadkeys and
- setmetamode. For details, see getkeycodes(8), setkeycodes(8),
- dumpkeys(1), loadkeys(1), setmetamode(1). The format of the files
- output by dumpkeys and read by loadkeys is described in keytables(5).
- Where it says `transmitted to the application' in the above
- description, this really means `transmitted to the terminal driver'.
- That is, further processing is just like that of text that comes in
- over a serial line. The details of this processing are set by the
- program stty.
- 4. Console generalities
- Conversely, when you output something to the console, it first
- undergoes the standard tty processing, and then is fed to the console
- driver. The console driver emulates a VT100, and parses the input in
- order to recognize VT100 escape sequences (for cursor movement, clear
- screen, etc.). The characters that are not part of an escape sequence
- are first converted into Unicode, using one of four mapping tables if
- the console was not in UTF-8 mode to start with, then looked up in the
- table describing the correspondence between Unicode values and font
- positions, and the obtained 8- or 9-bit font indices are then written
- to video memory, where they cause the display of character shapes
- found in the video card's character ROM. One can load one's own fonts
- into character ROM using setfont, load the corresponding Unicode map
- with loadunimap, and load a user mapping table using mapscrn. More
- details will be given below.
- There are many consoles (called Virtual Consoles or Virtual Terminals,
- abbreviated VCs or VTs) that share the same screen. You can use them
- as independent devices, either to run indendent login sessions, or
- just to send some output to, perhaps from top, or the tail of the
- system log or so. See below (`Console switching') on how to set them
- up and switch between them.
- 5. Resetting your terminal
- There is garbage on the screen, or all your keystrokes are echoed as
- line drawing characters. What to do?
- Many programs will redraw the screen when ^L is typed. This might help
- when there is some modem noise or broadcast message on your screen.
- The command clear will clear the screen.
- The command reset will reset the console driver. This helps when the
- screen is full of funny graphic characters, and also if it is reduced
- to the bottom line. If you don't have this command, or if it does
- something else, make your own by putting the following two lines in an
- executable file reset in your PATH:
- #!/bin/sh
- echo -e \\033c
- that is, you want to send the two characters ESC c to the console.
- Why is it that the display sometimes gets confused and gives you a
- 24-line or 1-line screen, instead of the usual 25 lines? Well, the
- main culprit is the use of TERM=vt100 (or some other entry with 24
- lines) instead of TERM=linux when logged in remotely. If this happens
- on /dev/tty2 then typing
- % cat > /dev/tty2
- ^[c
- ^D
- on some other VT (where 4 symbols are typed to cat: ESC, c, ENTER,
- Ctrl-D) and refreshing the screen on /dev/tty2 (perhaps using ^L) will
- fix things. Of course the permanent fix is to use the right termcap or
- terminfo entry.
- Why is it that you sometimes get a lot of line-drawing characters,
- e.g., after catting a binary to the screen? Well, there are various
- character set changing escape sequences, and by accident your binary
- might contain some of these. The ESC c is a general reset, a cure for
- all, but if you know precisely what went wrong you can repair it
- without resetting other console attributes. For example, after
- % cat
- ^N
- ^D
- your shell prompt will be all line-drawing characters. Now do (typing
- blindly)
- % cat
- ^O
- ^D
- and all is well again. (Three symbols typed to each cat: ^N (or ^O),
- ENTER, Ctrl-D.) To understand what is happening, see `The console
- character sets' below.
- If you loaded some strange font, and want to return to the default,
- % setfont
- will do (provided you stored the default font in the default place).
- If this default font does not contain an embedded Unicode map (and
- gives the wrong symbols for accented characters), then say
- % loadunimap
- For example, if I do
- % loadkeys de-latin1
- then I have a German keyboard, and the key left of the Enter key gives
- me a-umlaut. This works, because the a-umlaut occurs on the CP437 code
- page and the kernel Unicode map is initialized to CP437, and my video
- card has a CP437 font built-in. If I now load an ISO 8859-1 font with
- % setfont iso01.f16
- then everything still works, because setfont invalidates the kernel
- Unicode map (if there is no Unicode map attached to the font), and
- without map the kernel goes directly to the font, and that is pre¡
- cisely correct for an ISO 8859-1 system with iso01.f16 font. But
- going back to the previous font with
- % setfont
- gives capital Sigma's instead of a-umlaut - all accented letters are
- mixed up because also this font has no embedded Unicode map. After
- % loadunimap
- which loads the default Unicode map (which is right for the default
- font) all works correctly again. Usually loadunimap is not invoked
- directly, but via setfont. Thus, the previous two commands may be
- replaced by
- % setfont -u def
- The Ethiopian fonts and the lat1u*.psf fonts have embedded Unicode
- code map. Most of the others don't.
- On old terminals output involving tabs may require a delay, and you
- have to say
- % stty tab3
- (see stty(1)).
- You can change the video mode using resizecons or SVGATextMode. This
- usually settles the output side. On the input side there are many
- things that might be wrong. If X or DOOM or some other program using
- raw mode crashed, your keyboard may still be in raw (or mediumraw)
- mode, and it is difficult to give commands. (See "How to get out of
- raw mode" below.) If you loaded a bad keymap, then
- % loadkeys -d
- loads the default map again, but it may well be difficult to type `-'!
- An alternative is
- % loadkeys defkeymap
- Sometimes even the letters are garbled. It is useful to know that
- there are four main types of keyboards: QWERTY, QWERTZ, AZERTY and
- DVORAK. The first three are named after the first six letter keys,
- and roughly represent the English, German and French speaking coun¡
- tries. Compared to QWERTY, the QWERTZ map interchanges Y and Z. Com¡
- pared to QWERTY, the AZERTY map interchanges Q and A, W and Z, and has
- its M right of the L, at the semicolon position. DVORAK has an
- entirely different letter ordering.
- 5.1. Keyboard hardware reset
- Things may be wrong on a lower level than Linux knows about. There
- are at least two distinct lower levels (keyboard and keyboard
- controller) where one can give the command "keyboard disable" to the
- keyboard hardware. Keyboards can often be programmed to use one out
- of three different sets of scancodes.
- However, I do not know of cases where this turned out to be a problem.
- Some keyboards have a remapping capability built in. Stormy Henderson
- (stormy@Ghost.Net) writes: `If it's your keyboard accidently being
- reprogrammed, you can (on a Gateway AnyKey keyboard) press control-
- alt-suspend_macro to reset the keys to normal.'
- 6. Delete and Backspace
- Getting Delete and Backspace to work just right is nontrivial,
- especially in a mixed environment, where you talk to console, to X, to
- bash, to emacs, login remotely, etc. You may have to edit several
- configuration files to tell all of the programs involved precisely
- what you want. On the one hand, there is the matter of which keys
- generate which codes (and how these codes are remapped by e.g. kermit
- or emacs), and on the other hand the question of what functions are
- bound to what codes.
- People often complain `my backspace key does not work', as if this key
- had a built-in function `delete previous character'. Unfortunately,
- all this key, or any key, does is producing a code, and one only can
- hope that the kernel tty driver and all application programs can be
- configured such that the backspace key indeed does function as a
- `delete previous character' key.
- Most Unix programs get their tty input via the kernel tty driver in
- `cooked' mode, and a simple stty command determines the erase
- character. However, programs like bash and emacs and X do their own
- input handling, and have to be convinced one-by-one to do the right
- thing.
- 6.1. How to tell Unix what character you want to use to delete the
- last typed character
- % stty erase ^?
- If the character is erased, but in a funny way, then something is
- wrong with your tty settings. If echoprt is set, then erased charac¡
- ters are enclosed between \ and /. If echoe is not set, then the
- erase char is echoed (which is reasonable when it is a printing char¡
- acter, like #). Most people will want stty echoe -echoprt. Saying
- stty sane will do this and more. Saying stty -a shows your current
- settings. How come this is not right by default? It is, if you use
- the right getty.
- Note that many programs (like bash, emacs etc.) have their own
- keybindings (defined in ~/.inputrc, ~/.emacs etc.) and are unaffected
- by the setting of the erase character.
- The standard Unix tty driver does not recognize a cursor, or keys
- (like the arrow keys) to move the current position, and hence does not
- have a command `delete current character' either. But for example you
- can get bash on the console to recognize the Delete key by putting
- set editing-mode emacs
- "\e[3~":delete-char
- into ~/.inputrc.
- 6.1.1. `Getty used to do the right thing with DEL and BS but is bro¡
- ken now?'
- Earlier, the console driver would do BS Space BS (\010\040\010) when
- it got a DEL (\177). Nowadays, DEL's are ignored (as they should be,
- since the driver emulates a vt100). Get a better getty, i.e., one that
- does not output DEL.
- 6.1.2. `Login behaves differently at the first and second login
- attempts?'
- At the first attempt, you are talking to getty. At the second attempt,
- you are talking to login, a different program.
- 6.2. How to tell Linux what code to generate when a key is pressed
- On the console, or, more precisely, when not in (MEDIUM)RAW mode, use
- % loadkeys mykeys.map
- and under X use
- % xmodmap mykeys.xmap
- Note that (since XFree86-2.1) X reads the Linux settings of the
- keymaps when initialising the X keymap. Although the two systems are
- not 100% compatible, this should mean that in many cases the use of
- xmodmap has become superfluous.
- For example, suppose that you would like the Backspace key to send a
- BackSpace (^H, octal 010) and the grey Delete key a DEL (octal 0177).
- Add the following to /etc/rc.local (or wherever you keep your local
- boot-time stuff):
- /usr/bin/loadkeys << EOF
- keycode 14 = BackSpace
- keycode 111 = Delete
- Note that this will only change the function of these keys when no
- modifiers are used. (You need to specify a keymaps line to tell which
- keymaps should be affected if you want to change bindings on more
- keymaps.) The Linux kernel default lets Ctrl-Backspace generate
- BackSpace - this is sometimes useful as emergency escape, when you
- find you can only generate DELs.
- The left Alt key is sometimes called the Meta key, and by default the
- combinations AltL-X are bound to the symbol MetaX. But what character
- sequence is MetaX? That is determined (per-tty) by the Meta flag, set
- by the command setmetamode. The two choices are: ESC X or X or-ed with
- 0200.
- 6.2.1. `Why doesn't the Backspace key generate BackSpace by default?'
- (i) Because the VT100 had a Delete key above the Enter key.
- (ii) Because Linus decided so.
- 6.3. How to tell X to interchange Delete and Backspace
- % xmodmap -e "keysym BackSpace = Delete" -e "keysym Delete = BackSpace"
- Or, if you just want the Backspace key to generate a BackSpace:
- % xmodmap -e "keycode 22 = BackSpace"
- Or, if you just want the Delete key to generate a Delete:
- % xmodmap -e "keycode 107 = Delete"
- (but usually this is the default binding already).
- 6.4. How to tell emacs what to do when it receives a Delete or
- Backspace
- Put in your .emacs file lines like
- (global-set-key "\?" 'help-command)
- (global-set-key "\C-h" 'delete-backward-char)
- Of course you can bind other commands to other keys in the same way.
- Note that various major and minor modes redefine keybindings. For
- example, in incremental search mode one finds the code
- (define-key map "\177" 'isearch-delete-char)
- (define-key map "\C-h" 'isearch-mode-help)
- This means that it may be a bad idea to use the above two global-set-
- key commands. There are too many places where there are built-in
- assumptions about ^H = help and DEL = delete. That doesn't mean that
- you have to setup keys so that Backspace generates DEL. But if it
- doesn't then it is easiest to remap them at the lowest possible level
- in emacs.
- 6.5. How to tell emacs to interchange Delete and Backspace
- Put in your .emacs file lines
- (setq keyboard-translate-table (make-string 128 0))
- (let ((i 0))
- (while (< i 128)
- (aset keyboard-translate-table i i)
- (setq i (1+ i))))
- (aset keyboard-translate-table ?\b ?\^?)
- (aset keyboard-translate-table ?\^? ?\b)
- Recent versions of emacs have a function keyboard-translate and one
- may simplify the above to
- (keyboard-translate ?\C-h ?\C-?)
- (keyboard-translate ?\C-? ?\C-h)
- Note that under X emacs can distinguish between Ctrl-h and the
- Backspace key (regardless of what codes these produce on the console),
- and by default emacs will view the Backspace key as DEL (and do dele¡
- tion things, as bound to that character, rather than help things,
- bound to ^H). One can distinguish Backspace and Delete, e.g. by
- (global-unset-key [backspace] )
- (global-set-key [backspace] 'delete-backward-char)
- (global-unset-key [delete] )
- (global-set-key [delete] 'delete-char)
- 6.6. How to tell kermit to interchange Delete and Backspace
- Put in your .kermrc file the lines
- set key \127 \8
- set key \8 \127
- 6.7. How to tell xterm about your favourite tty modes
- Normally xterm will inherit the tty modes from its invoker. Under
- xdm, the default erase and kill characters are # and @, as in good old
- Unix Version 6. If you don't like that, you might put something like
- XTerm*ttymodes: erase ^? kill ^U intr ^C quit ^\ eof ^D \
- susp ^Z start ^Q stop ^S eol ^@
- in /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/XTerm or in $HOME/.Xresources, assuming
- that you have a line
- xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
- in your $HOME/.xinitrc or $HOME/.xsession.
- 6.8. How to tell xmosaic that the Backspace key generates a DEL
- Putting
- *XmText.translations: #override\n\
- <Key>osfDelete: delete-previous-character()
- *XmTextField.translations: #override\n\
- <Key>osfDelete: delete-previous-character()
- in your $HOME/.Xresources helps.
- The netscape FAQ, however, says:
- Why doesn't my Backspace key work in text fields?
- By default, Linux and XFree86 come with the Backspace and Delete keys
- misconfigured. All Motif programs (including, of course, Netscape
- Navigator) will malfunction in the same way.
- The Motif spec says that Backspace is supposed to delete the previous
- character and Delete is supposed to delete the following character.
- Linux and XFree86 come configured with both the Backspace and Delete
- keys generating Delete.
- You can fix this by using any one of the xmodmap, xkeycaps, or
- loadkeys programs to make the key in question generate the BackSpace
- keysym instead of Delete.
- You can also fix it by having a .motifbind file; see the man page
- for VirtualBindings(3).
- Note: Don't use the *XmText.translations or *XmTextField.translations
- resources to attempt to fix this problem. If you do, you will blow
- away Netscape Navigator's other text-field key bindings.
- 6.9. A better solution for Motif-using programs, like netscape
- Ted Kandell (ted@tcg.net) suggests the following:
- Somewhere in your .profile add the following:
- stty erase ^H
- If you are using bash, add the following lines to your .inputrc:
- "\C-?": delete-char
- "\C-h": backward-delete-char
- Add the following lines to your .xinitrc file:
- xmodmap <<-EOF
- keycode 22 = BackSpace osfBackSpace
- keycode 107 = Delete
- # start your window manager here, for example:
- #(fvwm) 2>&1 | tee /dev/tty /dev/console
- stty sane
- stty erase ^H
- loadmap <<-EOF
- keycode 14 = BackSpace
- keycode 111 = Delete
- This will definitely work for a PC 101 or 102 key keyboard with any
- Linux/XFree86 layout.
- The important part to making Motif apps like Netscape work properly is
- adding osfBackSpace to keycode 22 in addition to BackSpace.
- Note that there must be spaces on either side of the = sign.
- 6.10. What about termcap and terminfo?
- When people have problems with backspace, they tend to look at their
- termcap (or terminfo) entry for the terminal, and indeed, there does
- exist a kb (or kbs) capability describing the code generated by the
- Backspace key. However, not many programs use it, so unless you are
- having problems with one particular program only, probably the fault
- is elsewhere. Of course it is a good idea anyway to correct your
- termcap (terminfo) entry. See also below under "The TERM variable".
- 7. The console character sets
- The kernel first tries to figure out what symbol is meant by any given
- user byte, and next where this symbol is located in the current font.
- The kernel knows about 5 translations of bytes into console-screen
- symbols. In Unicode (UTF-8) mode, the UTF-8 code is just converted
- directly into Unicode. The assumption is that almost all symbols one
- needs are present in Unicode, and for the cases where this does not
- hold the codes 0xff** are reserved for direct font access. When not
- in Unicode mode, one of four translation tables is used. The four
- tables are: a) Latin1 -> Unicode, b) VT100 graphics -> Unicode, c) PC
- -> Unicode, d) user-defined.
- There are two character sets, called G0 and G1, and one of them is the
- current character set. (Initially G0.) Typing ^N causes G1 to become
- current, ^O causes G0 to become current.
- These variables G0 and G1 point at a translation table, and can be
- changed by the user. Initially they point at tables a) and b),
- respectively. The sequences ESC ( B and ESC ( 0 and ESC ( U and ESC (
- K cause G0 to point at translation table a), b), c) and d),
- respectively. The sequences ESC ) B and ESC ) 0 and ESC ) U and ESC )
- K cause G1 to point at translation table a), b), c) and d),
- respectively.
- The sequence ESC c causes a terminal reset, which is what you want if
- the screen is all garbled. The oft-advised echo ^V^O will only make G0
- current, but there is no guarantee that G0 points at table a). In
- some distributions there is a program reset(1) that just does echo
- ^[c. If your termcap entry for the console is correct (and has an
- entry :rs=\Ec:), then also setterm -reset will work.
- The user-defined mapping table can be set using mapscrn(8). The
- result of the mapping is that if a symbol c is printed, the symbol s =
- map[c] is sent to the video memory. The bitmap that corresponds to s
- is found in the character ROM, and can be changed using setfont(8).
- 8. Console switching
- By default, console switching is done using Alt-Fn or Ctrl-Alt-Fn.
- Under X (or recent versions of dosemu), only Ctrl-Alt-Fn works. Many
- keymaps will allow cyclic walks through all allocated consoles using
- Alt-RightArrow and Alt-LeftArrow.
- XFree86 1.3 does not know that Alt is down when you switch to the X
- window. Thus, you cannot switch immediately to some other VT again but
- have to release Alt first. In the other direction this should work:
- the kernel always keeps track of the up/down status of all keys. (As
- far as possible: on some keyboards some keys do not emit a scancode
- when pressed (e.g.: the PFn keys of a FOCUS 9000) or released (e.g.:
- the Pause key of many keyboards).)
- XFree86 1.3 saves the fonts loaded in the character ROMs when started,
- and restores it on a console switch. Thus, the result of setfont on a
- VT is wiped out when you go to X and back. Using setfont under X will
- lead to funny results.
- One can change VT under program control using the chvt command.
- 8.1. Changing the number of Virtual Consoles
- This question still comes up from time to time, but the answer is: you
- already have enough of them. Since kernel version 1.1.54, there are
- between 1 and 63 virtual consoles. A new one is created as soon as it
- is opened. It is removed by the utility deallocvt (but it can be
- removed only when no processes are associated to it anymore, and no
- text on it has been selected by programs like selection or gpm).
- For older kernels, change the line
- #define NR_CONSOLES 8
- in include/linux/tty.h (don't increase this number beyond 63), and
- recompile the kernel.
- If they do not exist yet, create the tty devices with MAKEDEV or mknod
- ttyN c 4 N where N denotes the tty number. For example,
- for i in 9 10 11 12; do mknod /dev/tty$i c 4 $i; done
- or, better (since it also takes care of owner and permissions),
- for i in 9 10 11 12; do /dev/MAKEDEV tty$i; done
- If you want the new VCs to run getty, add lines in /etc/inittab. (But
- it is much better to have only two getty's running, and to create more
- consoles dynamically as the need arises. That way you'll have more
- memory when you don't use all these consoles, and also more consoles,
- in case you really need them. Edit /etc/inittab and comment out all
- getty's except for the first two.)
- When the consoles are allocated dynamically, it is usually easiest to
- have only one or two running getty. More are opened by open -l -s
- bash. Unused consoles (without associated processes) are deallocated
- using deallocvt (formerly disalloc). But, you say, I am involved in
- activities when I suddenly need more consoles, and do not have a bash
- prompt available to give the open command. Fortunately it is possible
- to create a new console upon a single keystroke, regardless of what is
- happening at the current console.
- If you have spawn_login from kbd-0.95.tar.gz and you put
- loadkeys << EOF
- alt keycode 103 = Spawn_Console
- spawn_login &
- in /etc/rc.local, then typing Alt-UpArrow will create a fresh VC
- running login (and switch to it). With spawn_console & instead of
- spawn_login & you'll have bash running there. See also open-1.4.tgz
- and dynamic-vc-1.1.tar.gz.
- What action should be taken upon this Spawn_Console keypress can also
- be set in /etc/inittab under kbrequest, if you have a recent init. See
- inittab(5).
- (This action can be something entirely different - I just called the
- key Spawn_Console because that is what I used it for. When used for
- other purposes it is less confusing to use its synonym KeyboardSignal.
- For example, some people like to put the lines
- kb::kbrequest:/sbin/shutdown -h now
- in /etc/inittab, and
- control alt keycode 79 = KeyboardSignal
- control alt keycode 107 = KeyboardSignal
- in their keymap. Now Ctrl-Alt-End will do a system shutdown.)
- You can only login as "root" on terminals listed in /etc/securetty.
- There exist programs that read terminal settings from files /etc/ttys
- and /etc/ttytype. If you have such files, and create additional
- consoles, then it might be a good idea to also add entries for them in
- these files.
- 9. Ctrl-Alt-Del and other special key combinations
- 9.1. Ctrl-Alt-Del (Boot)
- If you press Ctrl-Alt-Del (or whatever key was assigned the keysym
- Boot by loadkeys) then either the machine reboots immediately (without
- sync), or init is sent a SIGINT. The former behaviour is the default.
- The default can be changed by root, using the system call reboot(),
- see ctrlaltdel(8). Some init's change the default. What happens when
- init gets SIGINT depends on the version of init used - often it will
- be determined by the pf entry in /etc/inittab (which means that you
- can run an arbitrary program in this case). In the current kernel
- Ctrl-AltGr-Del is no longer by default assigned to Boot.
- 9.2. Other combinations
- Name Default binding
- -------------------------------
- Show_Memory Shift-Scrollock
- Show_Registers AltGr-ScrollLock
- Show_State Ctrl-ScrollLock
- Console_n Alt-Fn and Ctrl-Alt-Fn (1 <= n <= 12)
- Console_{n+12} AltGr-Fn (1 <= n <= 12)
- Incr_Console Alt-RightArrow
- Decr_Console Alt-LeftArrow
- Last_Console Alt[Gr]-PrintScreen
- Scroll_Backward Shift-PageUp
- Scroll_Forward Shift-PageDown
- Caps_On (CapsLock is a toggle; this key sets)
- Compose Ctrl-.
- 9.3. X Combinations
- Ctrl-Alt-Fn Switch to VT n
- Ctrl-Alt-KP+ Next mode
- Ctrl-Alt-KP- Previous mode
- Ctrl-Alt-Backspace Kill X
- On some motherboards, Ctrl-Alt-KP- and Ctrl-Alt-KP+ will be equivalent
- to pressing the Turbo button. That is, both will produce the scancodes
- 1d 38 4a ca b8 9d and 1d 38 4e ce b8 9d, and both will switch between
- Turbo (>= 25MHz) and non-Turbo (8 or 12 MHz). (Often these key combi¡
- nations only function this way when enabled by jumpers on the mother¡
- board.)
- Perry F Nguyen (pfnguyen@netcom22.netcom.com) writes: AMI BIOS has a
- feature that locks up the keyboard and flashes the LED's if the Ctrl-
- Alt-Backspace combination is pressed while a BIOS password is enabled,
- until the CMOS/BIOS password is typed in.
- 9.4. Dosemu Combinations
- Ctrl-Alt-Fn Switch to VT n (from version 0.50; earlier Alt-Fn)
- Ctrl-Alt-PgDn Kill dosemu (when in RAW keyboard mode)
- (and many other combinations - see the dosemu documentation)
- 9.5. Composing symbols
- One symbol may be constructed using several keystrokes.
- ╖ LeftAlt-press, followed by a decimal number typed on the keypad,
- followed by LeftAlt-release, yields the symbol with code given by
- this number. (In Unicode mode this same mechanism, but then with 4
- hexadecimal digits, may be used to define a Unicode symbol.)
- ╖ A dead diacritic followed by a symbol, yields that symbol adorned
- with that diacritic. If the combination is undefined, both keys are
- taken separately. Which keys are dead diacritics is user-settable;
- none is by default. Five (since 2.0.25 six) dead diacritics can be
- defined (using loadkeys(1)): dead_grave, dead_acute,
- dead_circumflex, dead_tilde, dead_diaeresis (and dead_cedilla).
- Precisely what this adorning means is also user-settable: dead-
- diacritic, symbol is equivalent to Compose + diacritic + symbol.
- ╖ Compose followed by two symbols yields a combination symbol. These
- combinations are user-settable. Today there are 68 combinations
- defined by default; you can see them by saying "dumpkeys | grep
- compose".
- ╖ Then there are `Sticky' modifier keys (since 1.3.33). For example,
- one can type ^C as SControl, C and Ctrl-Alt-BackSpace as SControl,
- SAlt, BackSpace.
- Note that there are at least three such composition mechanisms:
- 1. The Linux keyboard driver mechanism, used in conjunction with
- loadkeys.
- 2. The X mechanism - see X386keybd(1), later XFree86kbd(1). Under
- X11R6: edit /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/iso8859-1/Compose.
- See also Andrew D. Balsa's comments at
- http://wauug.erols.com/~balsa/linux/deadkeys/index.html.
- 3. The emacs mechanism obtained by loading "iso-insert.el" or calling
- `iso-accents-mode'.
- For X the order of the two symbols is arbitrary: both Compose-,-c
- and Compose-c-, yield a c-cedilla; for Linux and emacs only the
- former sequence works by default. For X the list of compose
- combinations is fixed. Linux and emacs are flexible. The three
- default lists are somewhat similar, but the details are different.
- 10. How to get out of raw mode
- If some program using K_RAW keyboard mode exits without restoring the
- keyboard mode to K_XLATE, then it is difficult to do anything - not
- even Ctrl-Alt-Del works. However, it is sometimes possible to avoid
- hitting the reset button. (And desirable as well: your users may get
- angry if you kill their Hack game by rebooting; you might also damage
- your file system.) Easy solutions involve logging in from another
- terminal or another machine and doing kbd_mode -a. The procedure
- below assumes that no X is running, that the display is in text mode,
- and that you are at your bash prompt, that you are using a US keyboard
- layout, and that your interrupt character is Ctrl-C.
- Step 1. Start X. As follows: press 2 (and don't release), press F12
- (and don't release) and immediately afterwards press = . This starts
- X. (Explanation: if a key press produces keycode K, then the key
- release produces keycode K+128. Probably your shell does not like
- these high characters, so we avoid generating them by not releasing
- any key. However, we have to be quick, otherwise key repeat starts.
- The digit 2 produces a Ctrl-C that discards previous junk, the F12
- produces an X and the = a Return.) Probably your screen will be grey
- now, since no .xinitrc was specified. However, Ctrl-Alt-Fn will work
- and you can go to another VT. (Ctrl-Alt-Backspace also works, but
- that exits X, and gets you back into the previous state, which is not
- what you want.)
- Step 2. Setup to change the keyboard mode. (For example, by sleep 5;
- kbd_mode -a.)
- Step 3. Leave X again. Alt-Fx (often Alt-F7) brings you back to X,
- and then Ctrl-Alt-Backspace exits X. Within 5 seconds your keyboard
- will be usable again.
- If you want to prepare for the occasion, then make \215A\301 (3
- symbols) an alias for kbd_mode -a. Now just hitting = F7 = (3
- symbols) will return you to sanity.
- 11. The keyboard LEDs
- 1. There are per-tty keyboard flags: each VC has its own NumLock,
- CapsLock, ScrollLock. By default these keyboard flags are shown in
- the LEDs. The usual way to change them is by pressing the
- corresponding key. (Side remark: pressing the NumLock key when in
- application key mode will not change the NumLock status, but produce
- an escape sequence. If you want the NumLock key to always change the
- Numlock status, bind it to Bare_Num_Lock.)
- 2. Next, there are per-tty default keyboard flags, to initialize the
- keyboard flags when a reset occurs. Thus if you want NumLock on all
- the time, that is possible. The usual way to change them is by
- `setleds -D ...'.
- 3. There is the possibility that the leds do not reflect the keyboard
- flags, but something else.
- 3A. This something else can be three bits somewhere in the kernel -
- which can be used if you want to monitor some hardware or software
- status bit(s). If you want this, edit the kernel source to call
- register_leds() somewhere.
- 3B. This something else can also be whatever some user program wants
- to show in the LEDs. Thus, people who like such things can make nice
- patterns of lights. If you want this, use the KDSETLED ioctl.
- This latter use is not per-tty, but the choice between former and
- latter use is per-tty.
- Summarizing: Each tty has a flag kbd->ledmode. If this has the value
- LED_SHOW_FLAGS then the keyboard flags (NumLock etc.) of that tty are
- shown. If this has the value LED_SHOW_MEM then three selected memory
- addresses are shown. If this has the value LED_SHOW_IOCTL then the
- leds show whatever value was last assigned to them using the KDSETLED
- ioctl.
- One may add that X uses ioctl's to set the LEDs, but fails to reset
- its VT when it exits, so after using X there may be one VT that is not
- in the default LED_SHOW_FLAGS state. This can be fixed by doing
- `setleds -L' on that VT. See setleds(1).
- 12. The TERM variable
- Many programs use the TERM variable and the database /etc/termcap or
- /usr/lib/terminfo/* to decide which strings to send for clear screen,
- move cursor, etc., and sometimes also to decide which string is sent
- by the users backspace key, function keys etc. This value is first
- set by the kernel (for the console). Usually, this variable is re-set
- by getty, using /etc/ttytype or the argument specified in
- /etc/inittab. Sometimes, it is also set in /etc/profile.
- Older systems use TERM=console or TERM=con80x25. Newer systems (with
- ncurses 1.8.6) use the more specific TERM=linux or TERM=linux-80x25.
- However, old versions of setterm test for TERM=con* and hence fail to
- work with TERM=linux.
- Since kernel version 1.3.2, the kernel default for the console is
- TERM=linux.
- If you have a termcap without entry for linux, add the word linux to
- the entry for the console:
- console|con80x25|linux:\
- and make /usr/lib/terminfo/l/linux a copy of or symbolic link to
- /usr/lib/terminfo/c/console.
- 12.1. Terminfo
- The terminfo entry for the linux console from ncurses 1.8.6 misses the
- entry kich1=\E[2~, needed by some programs. Edit the file and tic it.
- 13. How to make other programs work with non-ASCII chars
- In the bad old days this used to be quite a hassle. Every separate
- program had to be convinced individually to leave your bits alone.
- Not that all is easy now, but recently a lot of gnu utilities have
- learned to react to LC_CTYPE=iso_8859_1 or LC_CTYPE=iso-8859-1. Try
- this first, and if it doesn't help look at the hints below. Note that
- in recent versions of libc the routine setlocale() only works if you
- have installed the locale files (e.g. in /usr/lib/locale).
- First of all, the 8-th bit should survive the kernel input processing,
- so make sure to have stty cs8 -istrip -parenb set.
- A. For emacs the details strongly depend on the version. The
- information below is for version 19.34. Put lines
- (set-input-mode nil nil 1)
- (standard-display-european t)
- (require 'iso-syntax)
- into your $HOME/.emacs. The first line (to be precise: the final 1)
- tells emacs not to discard the 8-th bit from input characters. The
- second line tells emacs not to display non-ASCII characters as octal
- escapes. The third line specifies the syntactic properties and case
- conversion table for the Latin-1 character set These last two lines
- are superfluous if you have something like LC_CTYPE=ISO-8859-1 in your
- environment. (The variable may also be LC_ALL or even LANG. The
- value may be anything with a substring `88591' or `8859-1' or
- `8859_1'.)
- This is a good start. On a terminal that cannot display non-ASCII ISO
- 8859-1 symbols, the command
- (load-library "iso-ascii")
- will cause accented characters to be displayed comme {,c}a. If your
- keymap does not make it easy to produce non-ASCII characters, then
- (load-library "iso-transl")
- will make the 2-character sequence Ctrl-X 8 a compose character, so
- that the 4-character sequence Ctrl-X 8 , c produces c-cedilla. Very
- inconvenient.
- The command
- (iso-accents-mode)
- will toggle ISO-8859-1 accent mode, in which the six characters ', `,
- ", ^, ~, / are dead keys modifying the following symbol. Special com¡
- binations: ~c gives a c with cedilla, ~d gives an Icelandic eth, ~t
- gives an Icelandic thorn, "s gives German sharp s, /a gives a with
- ring, /e gives an a-e ligature, ~< and ~> give guillemots, ~! gives an
- inverted exclamation mark, ~? gives an inverted question mark, and ''
- gives an acute accent. This is the default mapping of accents. The
- variable iso-languages is a list of pairs (language name, accent map¡
- ping), and a non-default mapping can be selected using
- (iso-accents-customize LANGUAGE)
- Here LANGUAGE can be one of "portuguese", "irish", "french",
- "latin-2", "latin-1".
- Since the Linux default compose character is Ctrl-. it might be
- convenient to use that everywhere. Try
- (load-library "iso-insert.el")
- (define-key global-map [?\C-.] 8859-1-map)
- The latter line will not work under xterm, if you use emacs -nw, but
- in that case you can put
- XTerm*VT100.Translations: #override\n\
- Ctrl <KeyPress> . : string("\0308")
- in your .Xresources.)
- B. For less, put LESSCHARSET=latin1 in the environment. This is also
- what you need if you see \255 or <AD> in man output: some versions of
- less will render the soft hyphen (octal 0255, hex 0xAD) this way when
- not given permission to output Latin-1.
- C. For ls, give the option -N. (Probably you want to make an alias.)
- D. For bash (version 1.13.*), put
- set meta-flag on
- set convert-meta off
- and, according to the Danish HOWTO,
- set output-meta on
- into your $HOME/.inputrc.
- E. For tcsh, use
- setenv LANG US_en
- setenv LC_CTYPE iso_8859_1
- If you have nls on your system, then the corresponding routines are
- used. Otherwise tcsh will assume iso_8859_1, regardless of the values
- given to LANG and LC_CTYPE. See the section NATIVE LANGUAGE SYSTEM in
- tcsh(1). (The Danish HOWTO says: setenv LC_CTYPE ISO-8859-1; stty
- pass8)
- F. For flex, give the option -8 if the parser it generates must be
- able to handle 8-bit input. (Of course it must.)
- G. For elm, set displaycharset to ISO-8859-1. (Danish HOWTO: LANG=C
- and LC_CTYPE=ISO-8859-1)
- H. For programs using curses (such as lynx) David Sibley reports: The
- regular curses package uses the high-order bit for reverse video mode
- (see flag _STANDOUT defined in /usr/include/curses.h). However,
- ncurses seems to be 8-bit clean and does display iso-latin-8859-1
- correctly.
- I. For programs using groff (such as man), make sure to use -Tlatin1
- instead of -Tascii. Old versions of the program man also use col, and
- the next point also applies.
- J. For col, make sure 1) that it is fixed so as to do
- setlocale(LC_CTYPE,""); and 2) put LC_CTYPE=ISO-8859-1 in the
- environment.
- K. For rlogin, use option -8.
- L. For joe,
- sunsite.unc.edu:/pub/Linux/apps/editors/joe-1.0.8-linux.tar.gz is said
- to work after editing the configuration file. Someone else said: joe:
- Put the -asis option in /isr/lib/joerc in the first column.
- M. For LaTeX: \documentstyle[isolatin]{article}. For LaTeX2e:
- \documentclass{article}\usepackage{isolatin} where isolatin.sty is
- available from ftp://ftp.vlsivie.tuwien.ac.at/pub/8bit.
- A nice discussion on the topic of ISO-8859-1 and how to manage 8-bit
- characters is contained in the file grasp.insa-
- lyon.fr:/pub/faq/fr/accents (in French). Another fine discussion (in
- English) can be found in ftp.vlsivie.tuwien.ac.at:/pub/8bit/FAQ-
- ISO-8859-1, which is mirrored in rtfm.mit.edu:pub/usenet-by-
- group/comp.answers/character-sets/iso-8859-1-faq.
- If you need to fix a program that behaves badly with 8-bit characters,
- one thing to keep in mind is that if you have a signed char type then
- characters may be negative, and using them as an array index will
- fail. Several programs can be fixed by judiciously adding (unsigned
- char) casts.
- 14. What precisely does XFree86-2.1 do when it initializes its
- keymap?
- Since version 2.1, XFree86 will initialize its keymap from the Linux
- keymap, as far as possible. However, Linux had 16 entries per key (one
- for each combination of the Shift, AltGr, Ctrl, Alt modifiers) and
- presently has 256 entries per key, while X has 4 entries per key (one
- for each combination of Shift, Mod), so some information is
- necessarily lost.
- First X reads the Xconfig file, where definitions of the LeftAlt,
- RightAlt, RightCtl, ScrollLock keys as Meta, ModeShift, Compose,
- ModeLock or ScrollLock might be found - see X386keybd(1), later
- XFree86kbd(1).
- For Mod the LeftAlt key is taken, unless RightCtl was defined as
- ModeShift or ModeLock, in which case RightCtl is taken, or RightAlt
- was so defined, in which case RightAlt is taken. This determines how
- the 4 XFree86 meanings of a key are selected from the 16 Linux
- meanings. Note that Linux today does not distinguish by default
- between the two Ctrl keys or between the two Shift keys. X does
- distinguish.
- Now the kernel keymap is read and the usually obvious corresponding X
- bindings are made. The bindings for the "action keys" Show_Memory,
- Show_State, Show_Registers, Last_Console, Console_n, Scroll_Backward,
- Scroll_Forward, Caps_On and Boot are ignored, as are the dead
- diacriticals, and the locks (except for ShiftLock), and the "ASCII-x"
- keys.
- Next, the definitions in the Xconfig file are used. (Thus, a
- definition of Compose in Xconfig will override its value as found in
- the Linux keymap.)
- What happens to the strings associated with the function keys?
- Nothing, X does not have such a concept. (But it is possible to define
- strings for function keys in xterm - note however that the window
- manager gets the keys first.)
- I don't know how to convince xterm that it should use the X keymap
- when Alt is pressed; it seems just to look at its resource
- eightBitInput, and depending on whether that is true or false either
- set the high order bit of the character, or generate an additional
- Escape character (just like setmetamode(1) does for the console).
- 15. Unusual keys and keyboards
- The two keys PrintScrn/SysRq and Pause/Break are special in that they
- have two keycodes: the former has keycode 84 when Alt is pressed
- simultaneously, and keycode 99 otherwise; the latter has keycode 101
- when Ctrl is pressed simultaneously, and keycode 119 otherwise.
- (Thus, it makes no sense to bind functions to Alt keycode 99 or Ctrl
- keycode 119.)
- If you have strange keys, that do not generate any code under Linux
- (or generate messages like "unrecognized scancode"), and your kernel
- is 1.1.63 or later, then you can use setkeycodes(1) to tell the kernel
- about them. They won't work under X, however. Once they have gotten a
- keycode from setkeycodes, they can be assigned a function by loadkeys.
- 16. Examples of use of loadkeys and xmodmap
- Switching Caps Lock and Control on the keyboard (assuming you use
- keymaps 0-15; check with dumpkeys | head -1)
- % loadkeys
- keymaps 0-15
- keycode 58 = Control
- keycode 29 = Caps_Lock
- %
- Switching them under X only:
- % xmodmap .xmodmaprc
- where .xmodmaprc contains lines
- remove Lock = Caps_Lock
- remove Control = Control_L
- keysym Control_L = Caps_Lock
- keysym Caps_Lock = Control_L
- add Lock = Caps_Lock
- add Control = Control_L
- What is this about the key numbering? Backspace is 14 under Linux, 22
- under X? Well, the numbering can best be regarded as arbitrary; the
- Linux number of a key can be found using showkey(1), and the X number
- using xev(1). Often the X number will be 8 more than the Linux number.
- Something else people like to change are the bindings of the function
- keys. Suppose that you want to make F12 produce the string "emacs ".
- Then
- % loadkeys
- keycode 88 = F12
- string F12 = "emacs "
- %
- will do this. More explicitly, the procedure is like this: (i) find
- the keycodes of the keys to be remapped, using showkey(1). (ii) save
- the current keymap, make a copy and edit that:
- % dumpkeys > my_keymap
- % cp my_keymap trial_keymap
- % emacs trial_keymap
- % loadkeys trial_keymap
- %
- The format of the table can be guessed by looking at the output of
- dumpkeys, and is documented in keytables(5). When the new keymap
- functions as desired, you can put an invocation
- loadkeys my_new_keymap
- in /etc/rc.local or so, to execute it automatically at boot-up. Note
- that changing modifier keys is tricky, and a newbie can easily get
- into a situation only an expert can get out of.
- The default directory for keymaps is /usr/lib/kbd/keytables. The
- default extension for keymaps is .map. Thus, loadkeys uk would
- probably load /usr/lib/kbd/keytables/uk.map.
- (On my machine) /dev/console is a symbolic link to /dev/tty0, and the
- kernel regards /dev/tty0 as a synonym for the current VT. XFree86 1.3
- changes the owner of /dev/tty0, but does not reset this after
- finishing. Thus, loadkeys or dumpkeys might fail because someone else
- owns /dev/tty0; in such a case you might run X first. Note that you
- cannot change keyboard mappings when not at the console (and not
- superuser).
- 16.1. `I can use only one finger to type with'
- "Can the Shift, Ctrl and Alt keys be made to behave as toggles?"
- Yes, after saying
- % loadkeys
- keymaps 0-15
- keycode 29 = Control_Lock
- keycode 42 = Shift_Lock
- keycode 56 = Alt_Lock
- %
- the left Control, Shift and Alt keys will act as toggles. The numbers
- involved are revealed by showkey (and usually are 29, 97, 42, 54, 56,
- 100 for left and right control, shift and alt, respectively), and the
- functions are Control_Lock, Shift_Lock, Alt_Lock, ALtGr_Lock.
- "What about `sticky' modifier keys?"
- Since version 1.3.33, the kernel knows about `sticky' modifier keys.
- These act on the next key pressed. So, where one earlier needed the
- 3-symbol sequence Shift_Lock a Shift_Lock to type `A', one can now use
- the 2-symbol sequence SShift_Lock a. Versions of the kbd package
- older than 0.93 do not yet include code for these sticky modifiers,
- and have to invoke them using their hexadecimal codes. For example,
- % loadkeys
- keymaps 0-15
- keycode 54 = 0x0c00
- keycode 97 = 0x0c02
- keycode 100 = 0x0c03
- %
- will make the right Shift, Ctrl, Alt sticky versions of the left ones.
- From 0.93 on you can say
- % loadkeys
- keymaps 0-15
- keycode 54 = SShift
- keycode 97 = SCtrl
- keycode 100 = SAlt
- %
- to obtain the same result. This will allow you to type Ctrl-Alt-Del
- in three keystrokes with one hand.
- The keymaps line in these examples should cover all keymaps you have
- in use. You find what keymaps you have in use by
- % dumpkeys | head -1
- 17. Changing the video mode
- As far as I know there are 6 ways to change resolution:
- 1. At compile time: change the line
- in /usr/src/linux/Makefile.
- 1A. After compilation: use rdev -v - a terrible hack, but it exists.
- 2. At boot time: put vga=ask in the lilo config file, and lilo will
- ask you what video mode you want. Once you know, put vga=mypreference.
- 3. At run time: A. Use the resizecons command. (This is a very
- primitive wrapper around the VT_RESIZE ioctl.) B. Use the
- SVGATextMode command. (This is a less primitive wrapper around the
- VT_RESIZE ioctl.)
- 4. Not "on the console": Under dosemu, or with svgalib etc. you can
- change the hardware video mode without the console driver being aware
- of it. Sometimes this is useful in getting resizecons or SVGATextMode
- set up: use dosemu and some DOS program to get into the desired
- videomode, dump (say from another VT) the contents of all video
- hardware registers, and use that in the initialization that resizecons
- and SVGATextMode require. In some cases where the video mode has
- gotten into some unusable state, starting dosemu, relying on the BIOS
- to set up the video mode, and then killing dosemu (with kill -9), is
- the easiest way to get into shape again.
- 17.1. Instructions for the use of resizecons
- Get svgalib and compile the program restoretextmode. Boot up your
- machine in all possible video modes (using vga=ask in the lilo config
- file), and write the video hardware register contents to files CxR
- (C=cols, R=rows), e.g., 80x25, 132x44, etc. Put these files in
- /usr/lib/kbd/videomodes. Now resizecons 132x44 will change videomode
- for you (and send SIGWINCH to all processes that need to know about
- this, and load another font if necessary).
- At present, resizecons only succeeds when there is memory enough for
- both the old and the new consoles at the same time.
- 18. Changing the keyboard repeat rate
- At startup, the Linux kernel sets the repeat rate to its maximal
- value. For most keyboards this is reasonable, but for some it means
- that you can hardly touch a key without getting three copies of the
- corresponding symbol. Use the program kbdrate(8) to change the repeat
- rate, or, if that doesn't help, edit or remove the section
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ! set the keyboard repeat rate to the max
- mov ax,#0x0305
- xor bx,bx ! clear bx
- int 0x16
- ______________________________________________________________________
- of /usr/src/linux/[arch/i386/]boot/setup.S.
- 19. Scrolling
- There are two ways to get a screen to scroll. The first, called `hard
- scrolling', is to leave the text in video memory as it is, but change
- the viewing origin. This is very fast. The second, called `soft
- scrolling', involves moving all screen text up or down. This is much
- slower. The kernel console driver will write text starting at the top
- of the video memory, continuing to the bottom, then copy the bottom
- part to the top again, and continue, all the time using hard scrolling
- to show the right part on the screen. You can scroll back until the
- top op the video memory by using Shift-PageUp (the grey PageUp) and
- scroll down again using Shift-PageDown (the grey PageDown), assuming a
- default keymap. The amount of scrollback is thus limited to the
- amount of video memory you happen to have and you cannot increase this
- amount. If you need more scrollback, use some program that buffers
- the text, like less or screen - by using a buffer on disk you can go
- back to what you did last week. (One can set the amount of scrollback
- for xterm by adding a line like XTerm*saveLines: 2500 in .Xresources.)
- Upon changing virtual consoles, the screen content of the old VT is
- copied to kernel memory, and the screen content of the new VT is
- copied from kernel memory to video memory. Only the visible screen is
- copied, not all of video memory, so switching consoles means losing
- the scrollback information.
- Sometimes, hard scrolling is undesirable, for example when the
- hardware does not have the possibility to change viewing origin. The
- first example was a Braille machine that would render the top of video
- memory in Braille. There is a kernel boot-time option no-scroll to
- tell the console driver not to use hard scrolling. See bootparam(7).
- 20. Screensaving
- setterm -blank nn will tell the console driver to blank the screen
- after nn minutes of inactivity. (With nn = 0, screensaving is turned
- off. In some old kernels this first took effect after the next
- keyboard interrupt.)
- The s option of xset(1) will set the X screensaving parameters: xset s
- off turns off the screensaver, xset s 10 blanks the screen after 10
- minutes.
- The video hardware powersaving modes can be enabled/disabled using the
- setvesablank program given in the starting comment of
- /usr/src/linux/drivers/char/vesa_blank.c.
- 21. Screen dumps
- setterm -dump N will dump the contents of the screen of /dev/ttyN to a
- file screen.dump in the current directory. See setterm(1).
- The current contents of the screen of /dev/ttyN can be accessed using
- the device /dev/vcsN (where `vcs' stands for `virtual console
- screen'). For example, you could have a clock program that displays
- the current time in the upper right hand corner of the console screen
- (see the program vcstime in kbd-0.95.tar.gz). Just dumping the
- contents goes with cat /dev/vcsN. These device files /dev/vcsN do not
- contain newlines, and do not contain attributes, like colors. From a
- program it is usually better to use /dev/vcsaN (`virtual console
- screen with attributes') instead - it starts with a header giving the
- number of rows and columns and the location of the cursor. See
- vcs(4).
- 22. Some properties of the VT100 - application key mode
- : Sometimes my cursor keys or keypad keys produce strange codes?
- When the terminal is in application cursor key mode the cursor keys
- produce Esc O x and otherwise Esc [ x where x is one of A,B,C,D.
- Certain programs put the terminal in application cursor key mode; if
- you kill them with kill -9, or if they crash, then the mode will not
- be reset.
- % echo -e '\033c'
- resets all properties of the current VC. Just changing the cursor
- application key mode is done by
- % echo -e '\033[?1h'
- (set) and
- % echo -e '\033[?1l'
- (clear).
- When the terminal is in application keypad key mode the keypad keys
- produce Esc O y and otherwise Esc [ z ~ for certain y and z.
- Setting application keypad key mode is done by
- % echo -e '\033='
- and
- % echo -e '\033>'
- clears it again.
- 23. Hardware incompatibility
- Several people have noticed that they lose typed characters when a
- floppy disk is active. It seems that this might be a problem with
- Uni-486WB motherboards. (Please mail me (aeb@cwi.nl) to confirm [yes,
- I have the same problem], deny [no, nothing wrong with my Uni-486WB],
- modify [My Xyzzy machine has the same problem].)
- Tjalling Tjalkens (tjalling@ei.ele.tue.nl) reports very similar
- problems with "a no-brand GMB-486 UNP Vesa motherboard with AMD
- 486DX2-66 CPU" - during floppy activity some keystrokes are lost,
- during floppy tape streamer (Conner C 250 MQ) activity many keystrokes
- are lost.
- Some people experience sporadic lockups - sometimes associated to hard
- disk activity or other I/O.
- Ulf Tietz (ulf@rio70.bln.sni.de) wrote: `I have had the same problems,
- when I had my motherboard tuned too fast. So I reset all the timings
- ( CLK, wait statements etc ) to more conventional values, and the
- problems are gone.'
- Bill Hogan (bhogan@crl.com) wrote: `If you have an AMI BIOS, you might
- try setting the Gate A20 emulation parameter to "chipset" (if you have
- that option). Whenever I have had that parameter set to any of the
- other options on my machine ("fast", "both", "disabled") I have had
- frequent keyboard lockups.'
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Additions and corrections are welcome. Andries Brouwer - aeb@cwi.nl